Signs You're Stuck in a Cycle of Debt

Being in debt can create problems and may make it hard to get ahead when it comes to saving and investing. Do you think you might be caught in a cycle of debt? Read on to learn how to tell if you are stuck in the debt cycle. If you are, there are steps that you can take that may help you get out of an endless cycle of debt.

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10 Tips to Manage Financial Stress

Financial challenges are one of the biggest reasons for stress in a person’s life. After all, you need money to do just about anything. The leading causes of financial stress are typically from losing a job, increasing debt, and wondering how to pay bills each month. The good news is that there are several ways to manage your financial stress at any income level.

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10 Basic Tips for Using Credit Cards

Credit cards can be a great way to make purchases and gain some excellent perks. However, credit cards can become a nightmare if handled incorrectly.

In fact, there is about $784 billion in outstanding credit card balances in the United States, and only 45% of credit card holders pay off their balance each month.

Want to make sure that you use your credit card correctly?

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Emergency Fund: Your Guide to Building an Emergency Fund

Life can, at times, be difficult and costly. Nothing derails your financial progress faster than an emergency or even a global pandemic. You may have experienced an emergency dental procedure, an expensive car repair, a broken appliance, or maybe even needed to replace your cell phone. These types of financial situations can happen to us all at one time or another. This is why setting up an emergency fund is a must to protect yourself from financially falling behind.

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12 Smart Ways to Spend Your Tax Return

Are you getting a tax refund this year? Before you spend your return on a new shiny object, pause and take a moment to understand there might be better ways to spend your tax return. Your tax return can be a great opportunity to make a smart investment in your life. In fact, there are many smart ways that you can spend your tax return. You might thank yourself later by not blowing your return on indulgences, like a new cell phone or big screen television.

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8 Practical Ways to Control and Reduce Spending

Overspending: it's easy to do if you're living paycheck to paycheck where one extra emergency expense may send your financial situation over the edge. All solid financial plans involve methods for controlling and reducing spending. These less obvious, yet practical ideas may help reduce your monthly expenses.

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Aren't Debt and Bad Credit the Same?

Achieving and maintaining financial fitness starts with having the right information. It is important to understand the key components of a healthy financial outlook and how to optimize them to your advantage.

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6 Great Financial Management Tips for Young Adults

The current generation of young adults could be facing the most uncertain economic future of any group since the Great Depression. Crushing student loan debt, stagnant wages, growing economic disparity and the after-effects of the 2008 market crash are just a few of the burdens young adults must carry as they try to manage their financial situation.

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7 Ways Personal Loans Can Help During Financial Emergencies

You may have a plan in place for a natural disaster or certain emergencies, but do you have a plan for a financial emergency? In the event you find yourself or someone in your household with an unexpected injury or you have damage to a car or your home, you may incur costs that could push the limits of your bank account.

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24 Great Money Saving Tips by Going Green

Today many people are discovering that living a life that is eco-friendly is not only better for the planet, it might be better for their health and their wallet.  If you're the type of person who likes to save money, chances are you already are going "green."  Being green doesn't have to include installing solar panels and buying an electric car - although both of those are great steps to living an eco-friendly lifestyle. There are smaller, everyday things you can do that can add up to big savings while still allowing you to be environmentally conscious.

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