Impulse Buying: Why We Do It and How to Stop

Ever see something at the mall that you cannot resist? It could be a new dress or a new product from Apple. Perhaps you find a stylish pair of shoes that you think you can’t live without. Before you know, you have blown a couple of hundred dollars on an impulse purchase.

When it comes to keeping a budget, one of the biggest potential problems is dealing with impulse buying. Understanding what triggers impulse buying and knowing the steps you can take to avoid spending at the drop of a hat.

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Tax Bill Caught You Off Guard? Plan Now for Next Year

There is something really unnerving about realizing that you owe Uncle Sam money during tax season. Chances are you might not be prepared to deal with a significant tax bill. While you may not be able to change what you owe this year, you can potentially prepare yourself for the next year.

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Turn Your Quarantine Clutter Into Cash

There is a good chance that you may have lots of clutter around your house from the last 12 months during the Covid-19 quarantine. Well, if you are looking to declutter your house, why not make some money? There are many things in your home that you may be able to sell for cash. Here is a look at how to get started.

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Signs You're Stuck in a Cycle of Debt

Being in debt can create problems and may make it hard to get ahead when it comes to saving and investing. Do you think you might be caught in a cycle of debt? Read on to learn how to tell if you are stuck in the debt cycle. If you are, there are steps that you can take that may help you get out of an endless cycle of debt.

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How to Manage Finances After a Job Loss

Every year, unfortunately, millions of people lose their jobs. When it comes to dealing with finances after a job loss, it may become challenging to navigate. Fortunately, there are some tips that may be able to help you stay financially secure after a job loss. 

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10 Key Financial Resolutions for the New Year

The new year is a time to make resolutions to improve your life. While most people focus on their physical health and weight, you should take this opportunity to look at your financial health. After all, being financially healthy could be just as important as your physical well-being. Here is a look at 10 key financial resolutions that you should make for the coming new year.

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No Credit vs. Bad Credit: What’s the Difference

Your credit score may be critically important when it comes to securing a home loan or an auto loan. To assist you in the process, you should keep track of your score at the three major credit reporting companies.

If you do not have a credit history, you may think it is terrible. However, having no credit is not the same as having bad credit. Let us look at the differences between the two.

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10 Basic Tips for Using Credit Cards

Credit cards can be a great way to make purchases and gain some excellent perks. However, credit cards can become a nightmare if handled incorrectly.

In fact, there is about $784 billion in outstanding credit card balances in the United States, and only 45% of credit card holders pay off their balance each month.

Want to make sure that you use your credit card correctly?

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Beware of These Financial Mistakes While in College

When you enter college, this may be the first time you will have control of your life. That includes taking care of your own money. That is why it is important not to make financial mistakes that could take you years to recover from. 

 Here is a look at ten of the top financial mistakes people make in college and how to avoid them. 

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Hard Inquiry vs. Soft Inquiry – How Each Impacts Your Credit Score

You may not know that there are two types of credit inquiries - soft inquiries and hard inquiries. Soft credit inquires, also often referred to as soft credit pulls and they don't affect your credit. Soft credit inquires are created when a company inquires on your credit to determine if credit could be extended. Hard credit inquiries are generated when you attempt to open a new line of credit. Hard credit inquiries, also referred to as hard credit pulls, are reported to the three national credit bureaus and could lower your credit score. Your permission is required for a hard credit inquiry

So how does each type of credit inquiry impact your credit score?

Well, let us look at both hard inquiries and soft inquiries, their differences, and how they impact your credit score.

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