A payday loan can be a quick and easy way to get extra money when you need it. However, if you can’t pay back your loan in full (plus interest/fees) by the time you get your next paycheck, you can find yourself in a bigger financial bind than you were before.
According to a study by the Pew Charitable Trusts, only 14% of those who take out a payday loan can repay it in full by their next payday. If you can’t pay your loan in full, your lender may allow you to simply pay the fees and roll your loan over for another 2 weeks. This is called “churning.” The average payday loan churns 8 times in 5 months. Not only are you paying extra fees each-and-every time you “churn” a loan, but you are also increasing the chances that you will need to take out additional payday loans elsewhere in-order-to keep up with the fees, as well as all other bills you had, to begin with. When this happens, you can quickly find yourself trapped in a very stressful and expensive cycle of debt.
If you don’t pay back a payday loan, it may result in collection activities that could end in civil court. You may have to pay a bunch of court costs (as well as fees and interest), have your wages garnished, or even a lien put on your property. As hopeless as your situation may seem, however, there are things you can do to get out of the payday loan cycle.
Consider these steps:
Getting out of the payday loan cycle can be difficult sometimes, but it’s doable. Once you’ve gotten out, start building an emergency fund so that you can avoid falling into a similar trap in the future.